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Farmers make a mint out of coffee in vihiga
Read how ShambaNexus is transforming coffee farming in vihiga to a lucrative venture by linking them to overseas markerts
partnership with Moneymaker pumps
Find more about a 3 year partnership with money maker pumps aimed at bettering irrigation within smal scale farmers.
mkulima smart conference
Find out more about the 2nd edition of Mkulima smart is set to happen virtuallly bringing together farmers from maize regions together
Find critical agricultural news and information that will keep you at pace
Introduction of grafted Mangoes in Kitui set to outdo traditional mango Farming
A study by Shambanexus reveals how farmers are turning to a paradigm shift embracing grafted mangoes…..
how importation of chinese fish is hurting local hatcheries in Kendu Bay and Migori
What looks like importation on the surface is a choking action to the thriving of fish farming in Migori and Kendu Bay
find relevant articles from like minded buddies , agricultural research institutes and independent groups
KALRO Forecast on agrobusiness 2020
read the forecast on agrobusiness in a post covid 19 environment
Kenya Cereals board data on maize sufficiency
Read on the surplus production trend in the last three years
The Story Behind Shamba Nexus
a round table discussion transformed into a visionary proposal to a valid implementation module
“Transformation from an idea to implementation”